Production Site-Optimised Indirect Inventory Management

Scalable Warehouse RFID, QR, Barcode Scanning & Asset Tracking

Take Your Indirect Inventory Management to the Next Level Right From Your Production Site

Offering RFID, QR tracking and a barcode access tracking system, ICS’ range of CribMaster-optimised indirect inventory management systems are perfect solutions for fixing over-ordering and under-supplying issues.

Managing Indirect Inventory

Even at the best of times, indirect inventory can be an exceedingly difficult set of assets to try and manage. On a worksite, you can have thousands of SKUs a day passing through any given operation, making accurate manual tracking an incredibly difficult task. MRO items also present their own set of unique challenges. Order too much, and you’re wasting both finances and resources. Order too little, however, and you can find your entire operation being unable to proceed. Plus, once your indirect inventory is off the truck, and visibility is going to be difficult regarding where each of those items ends up.

Why Go With a CribMaster System?

From managing durable inventory vending and consumables to increasing convenience and avoiding downtime on sites, CribMaster has been an inventory management mainstay for around three decades. By utilising the CribMaster software, each of our machines ensures that all usage is tracked and traced, allowing you a far clearer picture of your inventory at the touch of a button.

No more questioning where your stock is going, no more attempting to trace the location of items manually; CribMaster’s RFID, QR and barcode tracking systems offer a better way to manage your point-of-use. Our Point of Use vending category can help you solve pain points like:

Tool Tracking

Tool Tracking

Ensuring that workers badge in before having access to items means that you always know where stock is going and what it’s being used for. This allows for less overuse and inventory hoarding whilst also lowering the amount of space used by inventory overstocking.

Inventory Management Software


With people only taking what they need when they need it, you can save a sizable amount of money on additional inventory. Do away with overstocking machines, and experience a new way to stay on top of your obligations.

Industrial Vending Machines

Loss of Productivity

Looking for misplaced materials can be a huge drain on productivity and can even bring production to a halt until a critical item is found or returned. Our point-of-use solutions bring materials and inventory right to the source of the work, cutting down on time-consuming trips to the storeroom or tool crib, and ensuring items are right where they should be.

Our solutions are quick to adopt, but our team of experts will always be there to listen and help you through any questions or queries you may have. The CribMaster program can grow at a pace that works for your specific business. Explore our offering of Point-of-Use vending machines below or give us a call and talk to one of our experts to find the right solution for you.

Our solutions are quick to adopt, but our team of experts is always here if you need us.

We’re one of the most scalable solutions in the industry, so your CribMaster program can grow at a pace that’s comfortable for your business. Explore our offering of Point-of-Use vending machines below or give us a call and talk to one of our experts to find the right solution for you.